Mastering Your Air Con Temperature During Summer

It can be tempting during a Perth Summer to turn the temperature right down on your air con and blast the cold air, especially on those 40 degree days! Constantly over-cooling (or overheating) your home or office can have major impacts on your electricity bill and the lifespan of your system. Read ...

Split System Air Conditioners – Everything You Need To Know

Summer is officially here, bringing with it sweltering Perth days and some uncomfortable nights. If you don’t want to suffer through the heat but feel like you’ve left it too late to install aircons - you haven’t! A split system air con is the easiest and quickest system to install, so you ca...

6 Ways to Decrease Your Air Conditioning Bills This Summer

Summer is almost here and there’s nothing better than walking into an icy cold house after sweltering outside. If you don’t want to receive a hefty electricity bill at the end of summer, here’s how you can keep your air conditioning costs low while keeping cool.  1. Only use the syste...

Maintaining Good Air Quality In Your Home

Air Quality is a critical factor in maintaining a clean and healthy home. It can often be overlooked as it’s hard to determine due to the fact you can’t physically see the air. This year everyone has spent an increased amount of time inside which is why air quality is more important now than it...

Ideas To Disguise The Outside Unit of Your Ducted Reverse Cycle System

If you’ve recently invested in a Ducted System or are looking at your options, one thing you might not have considered is how the outside unit will look with the rest of your outside decor.  With summer approaching you’re bound to be spending more time outside and you don’t want to ha...